Travel Award Competition
Upload Abstract
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 31, 2017
Notification Date: April 21, 2017
Call for Abstracts
The Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities invites Diversity Supplement and F31 trainees who are conducting basic, translational, or behavioral research to submit an abstract that highlights novel scientific findings for poster presentation.
Individuals whose abstracts are selected will be expected to develop a poster presentation for the 2017 Professional Development Workshop and will receive travel support for the meeting.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Abstracts submitted must adhere to the following specifications:
- Titles should be in BOLD and indicate the content of the abstract.
- Abstracts should include author and/or co-authors grouped together [last name, followed by first initial and middle initial]. Omit academic degrees and titles. Please provide institutional affiliation and addresses of the collaborating and corresponding authors.
- The name of the primary presenter should be underlined.
- Each abstract should be no longer than 300 words. Author and institution information is not included in the word limit.
- Each abstract must be submitted in a PDF file and Microsoft Word document with 1-inch margins on all sides. Text should be formatted in 12-point Arial font and single-spaced.
- A title that reflects the content of the abstract
- An introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the study
- A clear statement of the study's objectives and hypothesis
- A brief description of experimental procedures
- A summary of the results
- A statement of the novelty and implications of the work
Abstract Selection Criteria
Abstracts will be selected by peer review based on relevance to the research quality, innovation, methodology, results, and contribution to knowledge. If your abstract is selected, you will receive a notice by April 21, 2017, including presentation guidelines.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Posters will be displayed on 4' high x 6' wide poster board. Poster setup and breakdown hours will be provided in your confirmation notice.