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The purpose of the poster session is to facilitate networking and encourage scientific collaborations among attendees. Each attending CRCHD grantee is required to submit one abstract of original research. Twenty (20) abstracts will be selected for presentation at the Professional Development Workshop.

Key Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, May 4, 2018. Click here to upload your abstract.

Abstract Acceptance Confirmation: Thursday, May 17, 2018.

Poster presentations are scheduled for Thursday, June 28, 2018. Each poster presenter will be expected to give a 2-minute oral presentation in a plenary session, in addition to presenting at the poster.

Poster Submission Deadline: Friday, June 15, 2018. Click here to upload a PDF file of your poster. If your abstract is selected for poster presentation, a PDF of your completed poster must be uploaded to the website.

Please carefully read and follow the Abstract Submission and Poster Presentation Guidelines below.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Abstracts are invited from registered attendees who are currently supported by Career Development, SCORE, R21, Diversity or Re-entry Supplements, and PACHE awards. Abstracts should highlight novel scientific findings from the following four categories: basic, behavioral/population, clinical or translational studies in cancer and/or cancer health disparities research.

Abstracts must be submitted online using minimal text formatting (i.e., tables, etc.).

  • Submitted abstracts MUST NOT EXCEED 300 words (authors and affiliations are not included in the count).
  • Abstracts must be single-spaced in Arial 12 font with 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Abstract titles must be in bold and indicate the content of the abstract.
  • Abstracts must include author and/or coauthors listed and grouped together (last name, first initial, middle initial).
  • Primary presenter’s name should be underlined.
  • Academic degrees and titles should be omitted.
  • Abstracts must include institutional affiliations and addresses of collaborating and corresponding authors.
  • Abstracts must include the following:
    a) Introductory sentence(s) indicating the purpose of the study;
    b) Brief description of the background;
    c) Clearly stated objectives and hypotheses of the study;
    d) Description of experimental procedures;
    e) Summary of data and results;
    f) Conclusions and implications of the work, including significance of the finding(s).
  • Funding support information should be provided.
  • Abstracts should be uploaded and submitted in PDF and Microsoft Word formats.

Abstract Selection Criteria

Abstracts will be selected for presentation based on research quality, innovation, methodology, results, and contribution to knowledge. If your abstract is selected, you will receive an email by May 17, 2018, with poster presentation information.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

  • Posters will be displayed on 4’ high X 6’ wide poster boards.
  • Poster presenters should be prepared to present a 2-minute oral presentation of their poster, discuss the potential impact of their research in moving the field forward, and answer questions from attendees.
  • Poster setup and breakdown hours will be posted at a later date.